Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I mean, man in the Mission. The funny thing about the 16th Street BART station in SF is that it's pretty fucking shitty already, so there's not much of a surprise here. I mean, not shitty as in oh man it's so gross like them bougie bitches in the Marina would say, as it's actually nice considering it's neighborhood, but shitty as in it's just dirty & has a weird mix of crackheads, Mexicans, hipsters, and a low lives.

That being said, the below video probably explains why a lot of people chose to ignore this guy. I mean, no one would give him a NY minute. Which is fine, but the annoying part is how no one stomped his ass out when he touched the girls, or while he was humping the floor. I wouldn't fuck with him standing up – that muthafucker will ninja flip, roundhouse you in the face and then give you the Bath Salt face off! The Gawker said it best:

Extended footage of the May 10th incident involving a "naked, spitting and pissing dude" on (what appears to be) a drug-fueled rampage inside San Francisco's 16th Street BART stationsurfaced online yesterday, and it's pretty intense — even by naked, spitting and pissing dude rampage standards.

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