Monday, October 11, 2010


How do I feel about Twitter at the end of the day? It's FUCKING DUMB. Seriously, it's stalking in a primitive form, most people have nothing important to say, it's always fucking up with that stupid whale, and it's sophistication in terms of marketing 101 is for fucking retards. In other words, a genius networking application. Glad I joined!

But it serves it's functions of course, like being in a high school popularity contest, having something to talk about at lunchbreak because your life sucks, hmm...staying relatively updated on trending news topics, and well of course pretending it's normal to need to know exactly what a person is doing or thinking at the given moment. I can't lie, I find out who dies first on Twitter!!

But to be honest, I think Twitter can be fun! I mean shit, some people say some funny ass shit, and guess what?! I would feel special as fuck if Katy Perry wanted to "follow me" back. It's weird that there are some weird politics & etiquette associated with it, so if I was going to follow you I would have, so stop asking for it bitches!

And then there's Twitpic-ing! Because at the end of the day us retards, are much more satisfied being able to visualize things than reading boring 140-letter one liners. Which leads me to today's EPIC TITTY TUESDAYS POST! So here's to the babes of Twitter and all the chicks that put it to good use!

Here's the Creep Street Approved! rundown...

BAMmMMMmmM! Start spreadin' the love if you haven't already! That's how you win FREE TEES from us! But we need a sticker in there SOMEWHERE....

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