Sunday, August 22, 2010


FIRST! Let's start this week off right! If you were all wondering why there was rarely any blogging (except Dick's Titty Tuesdays post LOL) - It's cause I've been in Cøpenhagen! All your pending packages go out this week, and I wanted to apologize again if I may not have gotten back to your messages in a timely manner. Wait a minute - FUCK THAT - I was killin it & you should learn to be patient! Haha, so let's get your blood moving this morning with some old school jams!


SECOND! The post title pretty much sums up my trip to Cøpenhagen: HOT CHICKS ON BIKES. I felt like I was 15 and never seen a girl in my life! And the baffling part is that no dudes even lurk on these babes. WTF?! Have they have developed hot babe immunity or something?! That or they have a evolved some secret creeper eye that is slick as shit! Damn.

Anyway, what can I say about this city? It's true, it's grossly overpopulated by perfect women, everyone rides bikes, nobody really works, and yes you can buy crazy drugs in the legendary hippie town of Fristaden Christiania. Oh yea, and our friends build rockets and submarines and stuff. Enjoy!

If you tattoo fucker's don't know who Uncle Allan is, you best google that shit right now. Hands down one of the raddest dudes ever! Special thanks to Uncle Allan & Amalie & the rest at Conspiracy Inc. for helping make Cøpenhgen an even more awesome city to hang out in!

Well, I guess this is the part where I give all you young creeps some rare wholesome advice. Save some money, skip a few nights of alcohol & stuff and add it to your travel fund - cuz what's better than Creeper Cammin' locally??? CREEPER CAMMIN' INTERNATIONALLY!! Also EVERYTHING is expensive as fuck! Needless to say - the air you breathe, the people you meet (ahem* ladies), and the things you'll see will make you a much radder person to be around!

Besides, it's always fun to see how dumb everyone thinks Americans really are. Which is true, because all I said pretty much that whole trip was: English? and Awesome!

Stay Creepin!!

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