Thursday, July 22, 2010


So every summer there's usually a getaway however close or far away and I'm proud to say today that I'm heading out for the very first time, to the Poconos! It was always that family trip that all the kids, and adults took when I was in Elementary school, and I always was like, "damn white people go to all the rad places." That and Hershey Park, which is still on my fucking list btw. So not knowing what the fuck to expect, let alone what goes on at all there, this is what the Poconos is in my head:

Nature, honeymooning, and waterslides. Sounds pretty good right? WET OUTDOOR FUCKING pretty much. BUT - here are one of the many people the Filthy Few™ is rolling with:

...and knowing how the Creeps & Faded Streets get down, we're going to pick up some hot chicks, do what we do worst, and somehow, Poconos will end up looking like this:

I am psyched. Which reminds me to tell you to visit here: and vote FADEDSTREETS.COM the best fucking crew out there!!
"Fadestreets is a lot more than just a crew of rad dudes. It’s a family and a movement fueled by skateboarding, beer, art, living fast, starting trouble, and the never-ending quest for the ..."

Don't do drug kids.

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